
Mönchengladbach (dpa / lnw) - After finding a dead person who had been in an apartment in Mönchengladbach for a long time, a 28-year-old is under suspicion of murder in custody.

The 40-year-old victim was found a week ago, police and prosecutors said in a joint statement on Friday.

The 28-year-old is said to have killed him in his apartment in an apartment building.

Neighbors had missed the 40-year-old and alerted rescue workers.

The body had multiple head and neck injuries, the authorities said.

They are signs of sharp and blunt violence.

The investigations had led to the suspicion of an intentional homicide.

The time of his death was already a few weeks ago when it was found.

A homicide squad secured numerous traces in the apartment, the evaluation of which led to the suspect, who was known to the police.

The 28-year-old was arrested in Mönchengladbach on Thursday.

A judge ordered pre-trial detention on Friday.

There was initially no information about the background.

The investigations into the motive and circumstances of the incident were still ongoing, it said.


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