
London (AP) - According to his family, the recently deceased English bestselling author John Le Carré took citizenship of the EU member Ireland shortly before his death out of anger over Brexit.

"He was Irish at the time of his death," said his son Nicholas Cornwell of the BBC in a radio documentary about the writer, which is to be broadcast on Saturday.

Le Carré, whose real name was David Cornwell, died in mid-December at the age of 89.

Towards the end of his life he traced his Irish roots.

One of his grandmothers was born in County Cork, Republic of Ireland.


Le Carré made his big breakthrough in 1963 with the spy thriller «The Spy Who Came Out of the Cold».

A good two dozen other books followed.

He was also regarded as a keen observer of social developments, who often commented on world events.

With clear words he criticized the Iraq war in 2003, the populist movements in Poland and Hungary and the policies of US President Donald Trump.

He did not skimp on criticizing the British government either.

According to his son, he found the country's exit from the EU very annoying.

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Note on the radio program on the BBC website