
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - Peace initiatives, parties and trade unions have again called for participation in the traditional Easter marches this year.

The actions are intended to demonstrate for the worldwide dismantling of nuclear weapons arsenals, the reduction of armaments spending and for closer cooperation to deal with global problems such as climate change and the corona pandemic.

"Human security cannot be achieved militarily, but is the fruit of fair politics and sustainable, fair action," said the trade unionist Conny Töpfer, deputy country manager of verdi Nord.

She lamented rising arms spending around the world, while there was a lack of money for better education, health and the socio-ecological restructuring of the economy and society.

The corona crisis is currently showing that human problems can only be solved through international cooperation and solidarity.

"To this end, we want to show the flag together with all democratic, socio-ecological and anti-racist movements at this time, too," Töpfer continued.

Easter marches take place in several places in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Schwerin will kick off on Saturday morning.

There the local peace alliance organized a march through the city followed by a rally on the south bank of the Pfaffenteich.

Peace activists also want to demonstrate in Wismar and Neubrandenburg over midday.

Another action is planned for Easter Monday in Sassnitz on Rügen, which is supported by a broad alliance of trade unions, parties and churches.

The participants in the Easter marches were called on in advance to strictly adhere to the valid corona rules.


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