
Weimar (dpa / th) - Weimar was the first city in Thuringia to test a model for opening up retail and culture in the Corona crisis.

After four days it came to an end on Thursday evening.

The sales of the retailers were on average slightly below expectations, as the city announced.

"Things went particularly well for textile shops."

The bottom line was that almost all shops were satisfied and grateful to be able to open again for a few days after a long period of closure.

"There was no shopping tourism from other cities or regions," it said.

The rapid test centers, most of which remain open, were full on all four days.

More than 10,000 people have been tested since Monday.

16 rapid tests were positive.

Mayor Peter Kleine (independent) announced: “We will start a detailed evaluation after Easter and want to draw conclusions for a possible further development of the model.

It is still our goal to make a contribution to normalization. "


Since Monday, more than 200 shops had opened in Weimar as part of a model project approved by the state government.

In the shops, there were rules of distance, hygiene measures and the obligation to wear a mouth and nose cover - namely a medical face mask or an FFP2 mask.

For contact tracking, customers also had to register either digitally with the Luca app or using a manual form.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210401-99-60537 / 2

City about the opening concept