The Liberal Democratic Party has decided to set up a new working team and resume discussions on selective surnames for married couples from the 2nd, and while the pros and cons are divided within the party, how far can we gather opinions in anticipation of the next House of Representatives election? It will be an issue.

The Liberal Democratic Party has set up a new working team chaired by former secretary-general Ishihara, and will resume discussions on the 2nd, over the selective surnames of married couples who can give their surnames before marriage if they so desire.

Within the Liberal Democratic Party, there was fierce debate within the party regarding selective surnames for married couples when compiling the "Gender Equality Basic Plan" decided by the Cabinet at the end of last year.

Based on this background, the executives of the working team will hold a meeting in the Diet on the 1st to discuss how to proceed with future discussions, first listen to a wide range of opinions from each member of the Diet, and carefully organize the issues. I will.

However, within the party, a parliamentary federation was launched last week in favor of the system, and on the 1st, parliamentarians who are cautious about the system will take the lead in launching a parliamentary federation aimed at expanding the use of the maiden name. The pros and cons are becoming more active, and the issue is how far we can gather opinions in anticipation of the next House of Representatives election.