Before the discussions on selective surnames for married couples resumed within the Liberal Democratic Party from the 2nd, members who are cautious about introducing the system set up a new parliamentary federation, and the maiden name before marriage. We have confirmed that we will proceed with studies toward expanding the use of the common name.

There are pros and cons within the Liberal Democratic Party over selective surnames for married couples who can give their surnames before marriage if they so desire, and discussions will resume on the 2nd with a working team chaired by former secretary-general Ishihara.

Under these circumstances, a new parliamentary federation was launched mainly by parliamentarians who are cautious about introducing the system, and about 90 people including former Minister for the Abduction Issue Yamatani attended the establishment general meeting held in the Diet. Did.

At the meeting, former Foreign Minister Nakasone, the caller's representative, said, "The Liberal Democratic Party has made an election promise for many years to allow widespread use of the maiden name. I would like to discuss what is inconvenient and how to make it more user-friendly. "

The Parliamentary Union confirmed that it would continue to consider expanding the use of the maiden name before marriage and actively participate in the discussions of the party's working team.

Within the Liberal Democratic Party, a parliamentary federation in favor of the system was launched last week, and both sides are actively moving.