
Dresden (dpa / sn) - Rescue workers in Saxony are increasingly confronted with violence.

As the Interior Ministry announced in response to a small request from AfD MP Carsten Hütter, the number of attacks on rescue service employees rose to 105 cases in 2020, compared with 82 in the previous year To suffer.

Three seriously injured and 50 people with minor injuries are included in the balance sheet.

Most of the cases were in Leipzig.

So far, 94 suspects have been identified, some of which have repeatedly attacked rescue workers.

This involved criminal offenses such as assault, threats, extortion or coercion.

"The increasing violence against our rescue workers makes me stunned," said Hütter.

"Here the penalty must be increased significantly and implemented with a zero tolerance strategy."

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Small request from the MP Carsten Hütter (AfD)