
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, family doctors can vaccinate patients from the age of 60 against the corona virus on their own after Easter.

The state government announced this on Thursday in Schwerin after a special meeting that was scheduled at short notice.

Health Minister Harry Glawe (CDU) announced that the medical practices, which are to be increasingly involved in the vaccination campaign with increasing amounts of vaccine, would receive an additional 31,000 doses of the Astrazeneca active ingredient in the coming week.

In response to isolated complications in younger patients, the Standing Vaccination Commission had recommended that the agent should only be injected into people over 60 years of age.

According to the government, those who want to be vaccinated in this age group can also make appointments for vaccinations with Astrazeneca in the country's vaccination centers via the hotline or the Internet platform from Friday.

The vaccinations that are already in progress for elementary school teachers and kindergarten teachers should only be carried out with vaccines from the manufacturers Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna and should be completed by April 10th.

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