
Leipzig / Dresden (dpa / sn) - The cities and districts in Saxony are preparing for further openings in the next week, despite the uncertain prospects.

The Saxon Corona Protection Ordinance allows easing in trade, museums and so-called body-friendly services from April 6th, regardless of the incidence.

Numerous regions announced on Thursday that they wanted to make use of it.

This also includes the city of Leipzig, which announced on Wednesday that there would probably be no easing.

However, it is uncertain how long it will last.

Saxony has linked the easing to an upper limit of 1,300 hospital beds occupied by Covid patients.

«We are in an extremely difficult situation.

The bed occupancy in the Saxon hospitals is increasing continuously and the prognoses are critical, ”said Dresden's Mayor Dirk Hilbert (FDP) on Thursday.

Nevertheless, the state capital wants to open museums, the zoo and shops with “Click & Meet”.

A daily negative test is always required.

According to the city of Leipzig, 1019 hospital beds are currently occupied with corona patients.

An increase is to be expected, but the Ministry of Social Affairs has not yet submitted an official forecast, the city administration criticized.


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