
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - In Hamburg, the 78 and 79-year-olds are now called for corona vaccination.

To this end, 36,000 additional appointments would be made available “very promptly”, said Martin Helfrich, spokesman for the health authority, on Thursday for the German press agency.

He spoke of an "Easter vaccination turbo".

Many of the 78- and 79-year-olds would have already received or would receive mail on Holy Saturday.

"Everyone who receives a letter is entitled to vaccinate and there is an appointment for everyone."

Senator Melanie Leonhard (SPD) appealed to those called to quickly make an appointment.

«We want to move forward as quickly as possible.

That is why we have made enough appointments available in the booking portal, which also take place very promptly.

I have also arranged for 1000 additional appointments per day to be available on the Easter weekend. "

Anyone who is called can therefore get it quickly.

More over 75-year-olds would soon be called by year, said Helfrich.

"We expect that everyone over the age of 75 will be able to make an appointment by mid-April."

There will be no bringing forward the over 60-year-olds in the vaccination prioritization, as is being considered elsewhere after the back and forth about the Astrazeneca vaccine.

"This question does not arise in Hamburg," he said.


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