This week, several people under the age of 80 managed to book an appointment for vaccination against covid-19 in Västerbotten.

This after a mistake in the system which has now been corrected and those who managed to book an appointment were canceled.

The region is constantly receiving indications from people who get in touch after they have heard that someone has pushed ahead or vaccinated someone who should not have been vaccinated.

But often the information is so scarce that it is difficult to investigate further.

- When I get that information, I always ask for more information and if I do not get it, I can not move on.

You have to know where, who and how it happened to be able to investigate.

But in the cases that we have managed to track, there are still cases where at the last second a vaccine was given to someone in the next phase so as not to discard the vaccine, says Ronny Lestander.

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