The word yogurt we use comes from the Turkish "yogurt" which means "curd".

At all times, man has felt the need to store milk so that it can be consumed later.

Fermentation is a technique that allows this and cheese is a derivative of it.

7 centuries BC, man was already trying to master this technique (we have found jars with holes).

The Egyptians also curdled milk which they ate.

In the Balkans and Scandinavia, people are also fond of it, but in France, it is hardly eaten (François I ate it to treat his digestive disorders).

It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that Stamen Grogorov discovered one of the bacteria responsible for transforming milk into yogurt in Geneva.

The way to industrialization is open.

The recipe for making your yogurt:

- 1 liter of fresh milk

- ½ store-bought yogurt


Heat the milk in a saucepan and reduce by 30%


Let cool to 40 °, covered.


Add the half yogurt


Pour into jars and cover


Place in an oven at 50 in a bain-marie for 20 minutes


Turn off the oven and let the yogurts rest in it for 5 to 6 hours.