Onions are a staple in hundreds of recipes, so what happens when they enter our digestive system?

And the Spanish newspaper "Confidencial" says that almost the majority agree that salads cannot be complete without onions, and the same applies to lentils, beans and sauce.

Although some people hate onions and refuse to eat them absolutely, it remains one of the ingredients in the heart and soul of gastronomy, and people eat it every day without realizing it, since it is included in a large number of delicious recipes that may be healthy or unhealthy depending on the rest of the ingredients of the dish And the method of preparation.

The newspaper asked about the various effects of onions on the body, especially as it makes the body secrete tears involuntarily when cutting it with a knife and throwing it in the cooking pot.

This raises the curiosity of many to understand the relationship between onions and the human body.

What happens to the body when eating onions?

1- Bowel health improves

Onions have positive effects on the bacteria in this part of our body.

Onions are rich in prebiotics, which are dietary fibers that nourish the beneficial bacteria in our digestive system and keep it in better condition.

This substance is usually found in vegetables, cereals and whole grains that are difficult for the body to digest, so it passes through the various stages of the digestive system and is fed by the intestinal bacteria.

2- Immunity improves

A scientific study has shown that probiotics also improve the functions of the immune system, and this means that eating onions will be useful in protecting the body from infection and inflammation that everyone fears at the present time.

3- Benefits the heart

Onions are rich in antioxidants, and red onions in particular are distinguished by their containment of anthocyanins that reduce the risk of heart disease in the future.

A study published in 2013 showed that women who consumed more food rich in anthocyanins had a 32% lower risk of suffering a heart attack than those who rarely consumed this type of food.

4- It may cause heartburn

The newspaper cautions that those suffering from heartburn or GERD may not be eating onions the best food option for them.

Onions increase the risk of suffering from heartburn, so it should be eaten in small quantities.

5- The feeling of bloating increases

The digestion of onions produces gases that make people feel bloated and the need to get rid of gases by belching and farting.

And when eating onions before bed, a person can suffer from the inconvenience during the night and have to wake up several times.