
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - Interior Minister Michael Richter (CDU) wants to support the sports clubs in the Corona crisis with an aid program of around 4.5 million euros.

"We will not let our clubs down," Richter told the German press agency on Tuesday.

The Ministry of the Interior is currently preparing the aid payments.

According to this, the sports clubs should receive a flat rate of 10 euros for each adult member and 20 euros for each child in the club.

In this way, the country will take into account the special importance of children's and youth sports, said Richter.

Due to the higher training frequency, the offers for young people are also more complex than adult sports.

The premiums are to be paid out via the Landessportbund (LSB).

According to the Ministry of the Interior and Sports, Saxony-Anhalt's sports clubs have around 350,000 members, around 100,000 of which are children and young people.


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