
Greiz (dpa / th) - Mothers and future fathers in the Greiz district have to visit neighboring hospitals for the birth of their baby.

The midwifery in the delivery room of the Greiz district hospital can currently no longer be guaranteed due to illness and quarantine, the hospital announced on Monday evening on its homepage.

Expectant parents were referred to the Pleißental-Klinik Werdau as the closest hospital.

Delivery rooms are also available in the Helios Vogtland Clinic in Plauen, in the Heinrich Braun Hospital in Zwickau, in the SRH Forest Clinic Gera and in the Obergöltzsch Rodewisch Clinic.

The team can be reached by phone for questions related to obstetric and gynecological problems.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210330-99-24052 / 2

Greiz District Hospital