
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - The Brandenburg cabinet has passed a new ordinance to limit rent.

According to this, it is stipulated that when re-letting apartments in areas with a tight housing market, the rent may be a maximum of ten percent above the local comparative rent, as the State Chancellery announced on Tuesday in Potsdam.

19 municipalities are now subject to the rent brake, which applies retroactively to the beginning of the year.

With the housing policy of the country, affordable housing should be secured, said Minister of Construction Guido Beermann (CDU).

At the same time, the government wants to maintain an investment-friendly business climate.

In regions with a tight housing market, this ensures that there is sufficient affordable housing available for low and normal earners.

But it is also clear that a rental price brake is not a panacea and does not offer a permanent solution, stressed Beermann.

A rise in rents in affected regions will only be dampened if construction is carried out more quickly and more cheaply.

According to its own account, the building ministry supports cities and municipalities in creating planning rights and designating new building land.

For this purpose, the municipalities would have 2.5 million euros available this year and five million euros next year.

In February, the state government redefined the regulation on the cap limit.

It affects existing rental agreements.

In 19 municipalities, rents are therefore allowed to increase by a maximum of 15 percent within three years.


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