
Neuwied (dpa / lrs) - The fire in a warehouse in Neuwied is said to have resulted in damage of around 15 million euros.

The police announced this on Tuesday at the request of the dpa.

This sum was reported to the authority by the insurance company of the aluminum manufacturer concerned, ASAŞ.

This sum not only includes costs for the building in danger of collapsing, but also, among other things, for the dismantling and the associated debris removal, as a police spokeswoman said.

According to ASAŞ, the fire started on Friday evening at a refining plant belonging to the previous owner, ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein, which had to be scrapped and cleaned.

The Turkish company is still building its new location in Neuwied.

According to the information, a remote-controlled extinguishing robot from the Bonn fire brigade also played a large part in the extinguishing work of around 350 emergency services when it was first deployed because parts of the ceiling of the burning hall threatened to fall down.

The cause of the fire was also still unclear, as the police said.


However, a drone was used on Tuesday to deliver photos from inside the fire ruin.

"Because the building is in danger of collapsing, it will take some time to determine the cause of the fire," said the agency's spokeswoman.

According to ASAŞ, the building was completely destroyed.

The fire fighters were able to prevent the flames from spreading to neighboring halls.

There were no injuries.

The building is to be rebuilt, as the aluminum manufacturer announced on Monday.

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