
Tübingen (dpa) - The Tübingen biotech company Curevac wants to have more than 100 million corona vaccination doses manufactured in Heidelberg.

More than 50 million cans are to be produced this year, as Curevac announced on its website on Tuesday.

Curevac and the Swiss pharmaceutical contract manufacturer Celonic concluded a cooperation.

In addition to its headquarters in Basel, Celonic has a location in Heidelberg.

The efficacy of Curevac's vaccine candidate is currently being investigated in an advanced study in Europe and Latin America with around 35,000 participants.

Curevac confirmed that it intends to apply for marketing authorization in the second quarter of 2021.

The company expects approval by the end of June.

In autumn 2020, Curevac started building a European network for vaccine production with several service partners.

So far, Curevac has signed agreements with Bayer, Fareva, Wacker, Rentschler and others.

Like the vaccine from Biontech and its US partner Pfizer, the Curevac vaccine is based on the messenger molecule mRNA, which stimulates the formation of a virus protein in the body.

This triggers an immune response that is supposed to protect people from the virus.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) started the rapid testing procedure for the Curevac vaccine in February.


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