
Munich (dpa) - The IT service provider Cancom did not grow quite strongly in the fourth quarter as last thought, but sees itself on a good course this year.

In 2021, Cancom wants sales and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization to be “significantly” above the previous year's figure, as the MDax company announced in Munich on Tuesday.

At Cancom, this usually means an increase of between 5 and 10 percent.

Despite the currently applicable restrictions and uncertainties surrounding the corona pandemic, management currently sees more opportunities than risks for 2021.

Overall, group sales rose last year by 6.5 percent to 1.65 billion euros.

At the beginning of February, Cancom reported growth of around 9 percent to 1.69 billion euros based on preliminary figures.

Nevertheless, the period from October to the end of December was a record quarter in terms of sales and operating profit (Ebitda), it said.

In 2020, the operating result rose, as known, by 3.3 percent to 123.1 million euros.

All in all, Cancom brought in a profit increase of 69 percent to 61.8 million euros, mainly because financial transactions contributed an adequate profit to the financial result.


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