To promote online education, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Kono and Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Hagita will provide guidance according to learning proficiency, as well as school refusal and illness, based on the environment where each IT terminal is being developed. We have summarized specific measures such as using it for learning of people who cannot go to school due to medical treatment.

As part of deregulation for the digitization of education, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Kono and Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Hagita summarized concrete measures for promoting online education and announced at a press conference on the afternoon of the 29th.

According to this, we will utilize the environment where each IT terminal is being developed in elementary and junior high schools, provide guidance according to the learning proficiency, collaborate with external experts in programming learning, and foreign languages. I'm going to communicate with overseas children in my class.

In addition, online will be used for learning of those who cannot attend school due to school refusal or medical treatment for illness, and the results of learning will be reflected in the evaluation as a treatment of attendance.

In addition, for high schools and universities, the requirements for credits earned in online classes will be relaxed.

Minister Kono said, "We have compiled the contents that can be used for digital education without hesitation. I want to make full use of the ingenuity and ingenuity of the field."

In addition, Minister Hagiuda said, "Basically, teachers, children, and students come into direct contact with each other, but we will also make effective use of online education in each class. We will firmly support the field in order to advance high-quality education. I want to. "