
Dresden (dpa / sn) - The Greens want a new corona protection ordinance that is as simple and short as possible.

"The regulations must be regulated in a clearer and more understandable manner," emphasized MP Kathleen Kuhfuß on Monday after consulting several committees of the state parliament on the new ordinance.

It should be adopted by the cabinet in the evening and presented to the public on Tuesday.

According to Kuhfuß, you need a stipulation that medical masks are to be worn wherever people meet: "We should focus more on the rule and give people clear guidelines."

According to Kuhfuß, the Greens consider it essential to submit a test offer to all employees in the workplace twice a week - regardless of where they work: “Unfortunately, according to the current status, this is not being implemented.

This means that an opportunity is being missed. "

Green education politician Christin Melcher indicated that educational institutions should remain open regardless of the incidence value.

This underlines the great importance of daycare centers and schools.

Such a decision, however, requires a whole series of accompanying measures in order to also do justice to infection protection.

As an example, she cited two compulsory tests per week for everyone in schools and for staff in daycare centers, as well as alternating lessons and masking requirements in class 5 and up.


According to Melcher, clear guidelines for intervention are needed when there are cases of infection in schools or daycare centers.

Especially when a fixed limit value at the level of the state or the districts no longer applies, one has to look carefully and react immediately to the specific situation on site.

In addition, the measures would have to be checked weekly: "If they prove to be inadequate, we need an emergency brake in addition to a hotspot strategy."

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