
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - The CDU is calling for special corona tests for the Hamburg day-care center children.

Tests only for daycare workers were not enough, said the family policy spokeswoman for the parliamentary group, Silke Seif, on Monday.

"Against the background of increasing Covid-19 infections in day-care children, it is incomprehensible why the social welfare authority is still not using child-friendly tests such as the so-called lollipop test in day-care centers."

In cities like Cologne, pilot projects with the Lolli method have already been run.

On the other hand, Hamburg is “still examining, considering and planning”, as it emerges from your small inquiry to the Senate.

According to the answer from the Senate, the social welfare authority is currently working on a pilot project for regular testing of daycare children.

«The details are currently being examined.

The considerations and plans for this have not yet been completed, ”says Dabrin.

"Flanking, privately initiated tests" are, however, "generally considered to be sensible by the social welfare authorities".

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Written small inquiry with Senate response