
Dresden (dpa / sn) - Saxony's cabinet wants to present the new corona rules for the country on Tuesday (10:00 a.m.).

The draft was previously discussed in various committees in the state parliament.

The Corona Protection Ordinance is to be decided on Monday evening after deliberations by the cabinet.

It should apply from April 1st.

Last week, Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) and Minister of Health Petra Köpping (SPD) announced after the federal-state consultations that they would in future increasingly rely on mandatory testing and thus visit zoos, regardless of the number of new infections, To enable museums and galleries.

Students should be tested twice a week.

Meanwhile, the corona situation in Saxony worsens significantly shortly before Easter.

According to the Ministry of Health, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in one week (7-day incidence) rose to around 200 on Monday. Only the city of Leipzig is still just below the critical 100 mark.

In Vogtland, for example, the incidence value rose to 424. In many regions of Saxony, easing measures had to be reversed and daycare centers had to close again.

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