
Potsdam (dpa) - The red-black-green state government in Brandenburg sees itself with the plans for stricter corona rules on the course decided by the federal and state governments.

"Brandenburg is implementing the 100 emergency brake at the district level," said government spokesman Florian Engels on Monday.

There are also exit restrictions from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. during Easter.

"We are thus in line with the MPK (Prime Minister's Conference)."

The cabinet will finally deal with the update of the Corona regulation on Tuesday and decide on it.

"This also includes specifications to enable municipal model projects."

The federal government and the federal states have agreed on an “emergency brake” - nationally or regionally - if the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week for three days in a row in a district or urban district is over 100.

Then the recent easing will be reversed.

Brandenburg does not have a nationwide, but a regional emergency brake.

The cabinet is also planning exit restrictions from Maundy Thursday to the Tuesday after Easter.

Further action should be taken by the counties if the seven-day incidence is persistently well above 100.

Relaxation, for example for culture, should be possible locally - in probably six model projects.

Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet (both CDU) in the ARD program "Anne Will" because the Corona rules there had too much discretion.

NRW does not have a nationwide emergency brake from a seven-day incidence of 100, exceptions to the closure of shops are possible with a negative corona test.

Merkel had also criticized the CDU-led Saarland because after Easter cinemas, fitness studios and outdoor restaurants open again with a negative test, although the number of infections is increasing.


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State government of Brandenburg on planned stricter corona rules