
Bad Hersfeld (dpa / lhe) - Employees of the online retailer Amazon have temporarily stopped work in Bad Hersfeld.

The strike started at midnight with the night shift from Sunday to Monday, a Verdi spokeswoman said on Monday.

She reckons with around 500 strikers in the two plants.

The strike is part of a nationwide campaign at six locations in Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony and is expected to last four days.

The strikers are calling for the recognition of the collective bargaining agreements for the retail and mail order business and a wage increase of 4.5 percent as well as an additional fixed deposit of 45 euros per month, from which lower wage groups in particular should benefit.

The Verdi spokeswoman criticized that due to the high work pressure, it was hardly possible for employees to comply with applicable corona regulations in the plants.

Amazon rejected on Sunday evening that anti-corona measures could often not be followed.

More than 150 processes in the logistics network have been significantly adjusted, according to a company statement.

"These include increased cleaning and disinfection intervals, temperature measurement when entering the building, mask requirement, 2-meter distance rules and staggered shift and break times."

The mail order company does not expect the strike to have any effects.


In the USA, too, unions are at odds with the online giant: The deadline for a vote on employee representation in a logistics warehouse in the US state of Alabama ends this Monday.

It would be Amazon's first US location with employee representation in the company's 26-year history.

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