
In theory, no question about it, Jens Spahn is right.

In view of the foreseeable impact of the third corona wave, in view of the urgent warnings from intensive care physicians about overloading the clinics, the state ministers would have to connect with the Chancellor today and impose a 14-day Easter lockdown.

Strict avoidance of contact, only the most necessary exceptions.

Most likely, there would still be applause for such a determined, uniform, authoritarian crackdown.

In practice, however, it will be different.

At the latest since the unsuccessful decision on Easter rest, the political leadership of the state has lost the strength, the courage and probably also the unity to take drastic measures nationwide.

It is not just Thuringia's Bodo Ramelow who is pretty much at the end of his nerve.

The other state chancelleries, the ministries involved and the Chancellery have also reached the limits of their administrative assertiveness in recent months.

It is simply no longer enough for a big hit.

The trend, as the weekend has shown, is going up and down the country to muddle through, to regional rules, to exceptions here, tightening there.

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania you will have to do a quick test before going shopping after Easter;

In Lower Saxony, the municipalities can set up restricted areas to avoid crowds;

There will be more curfews in cities and counties with high incidences.

At the same time, the first columns of tourists will make their way to the Baltic coast, in Saarland they will open the cinemas after Easter.

So contradictions will be the rule, not the exception.

It doesn't have to hurt either.


If we have learned something in the end, it is that it is local knowledge, local creativity, the ideas and the willingness to take risks of those responsible in cities and communities that have brought us forward.

Rostock's Lord Mayor Claus Ruhe Madsen, his Tübingen colleague Boris Palmer, Stephan Pusch, the district administrator of Heinsberg, are just the best-known examples.

You didn't do everything right either, but you did a lot.

Above all, however, they have not taken the courage of the people for whom they are responsible with their measures, but have used and strengthened their energy.

And that's exactly what matters in these times.