
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for March 29, 2021:

13th calendar week, 88th day of the year

277 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Aries

Name day: Helmut, Ludolf



2020 - After almost 35 years, the ARD television series “Lindenstrasse” ends with the 1758th episode.

2019 - Football clubs can in principle participate in the costs for additional police operations at high-risk games.

That is decided by the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig.

2016 - The World Health Organization (WHO) declares the end of the global health emergency that was declared due to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa with more than 11,000 deaths.


2006 - 18-year-old Lena Gerke wins the first season of “Germany's Next Top Model” on ProSieben.

2001 - Chancellor Gerhard Schröder meets in Washington for his first meeting with the new US President George W. Bush.

1974 - Series production of the first Golf designed by the Italian Giorgio Giugiaro begins at the VW plant in Wolfsburg.

1971 - Charles Manson is sentenced to death in connection with the murder of actress Sharon Tate.

After the death penalty was abolished in California in 1972, he was serving a life sentence.

1886 - The Austrian Wilhelm Steinitz wins the first official world chess championship in New Orleans.

1871 - The Royal Albert Hall opens in London in the presence of Queen Victoria.

The round concert hall made of red bricks with terracotta decoration and a glass dome is named after her late husband Albert.



1981 - Alexander Fehling (40), German actor, German Film Award 2019 for the best male supporting role in "The End of Truth"

1961 - Michael Winterbottom (60), British director, Silver Bear of the Berlinale for "The Road to Guantánamo" (2006)

1956 - Claus-Erich Boetzkes (65), German news anchor ("Nachtmagazin" on ARD)

1936 - Richard Rodney Bennett (85), British composer, film music (“Four Weddings and a Death”), operas, jazz pieces, symphonies

1886 - Bertha Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, German entrepreneur, owner of the Friedrich Krupp-Werke 1903-1943, died 1957


2020 - Krzysztof Penderecki, Polish composer, awarded the Midem Music Prize as “best living composer” in 2000, born in 1933

2001 - Tyll Necker, German entrepreneur, President of the BDI 1987-1990 and 1992-1994, born in 1930

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