The Vasa race measures a distance of 90 km and Olivia has participated in this before, but 220 km is another competition.

But still she feels that long races are her thing instead of short races.

- I can feel more alert the longer the race goes so it is something that suits me to go far.

But it is a real adventure and an awesome experience to say Hansson.

Have participated before

With Olivia's previous participation, she has landed at a time of around 15 hours at the same distance.

But even if Olivia participated in the extreme ski competition, she does not know what time she will come on or how it will go.

- It is difficult to have a goal, a lot can happen in 220 km.

But it would be fun to be in the top, so top three would be great fun, says Olivia Hansson.

Olivia came in third place in 2019 and second place in 2018 in the 220 kilometer long ski race.