
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - After three and a half months without a boss, the CDU Saxony-Anhalt wants to elect the previous Secretary General Sven Schulze as the new state chairman.

At the extraordinary party congress (10:00 am), around 220 delegates are also supposed to decide on the CDU program for the state election, which the party confidently calls the “government program”.

Because of the corona pandemic, the party congress takes place on the Internet, only a meeting presidium and a few speakers meet in Magdeburg.

The regional association has copied the procedure from the federal CDU: The delegates should first vote on the new party leader using an online tool.

The choice must then be formally confirmed by postal vote.

The leadership position with the Christian Democrats had become vacant after the former Interior Minister Holger Stahlknecht was dismissed as Interior Minister in December and resigned as party leader.

Stahlknecht, who had previously been traded as the successor to Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU), had speculated in a newspaper interview about cooperation between the CDU and the AfD, which violated the party line.


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