Interest in nature experiences has increased sharply during the pandemic and so also in the outdoor industry.

Ädelfors Folk High School caught on to the increased interest and started the education in adventure and nature guidance.

- What sets us apart is that we will work with entrepreneurship and marketing to provide opportunities to start our own company, says training leader Thomas Laitinen.

In February, the idea for the new education was raised and already last week the opportunity to apply for it started.

There is room for 18 people and the risk of not filling the places is seen as small.

Visiting Kebenekaise

The adventurer Renata Chlumska will also teach and will end up taking the group to Kebenekaise.

- I am celebrating 25 years as an adventurer this year so I have a lot of experience of having people with me on expeditions.

But also how to work with projects and your own brand in the adventure and outdoor industry, she says.