
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - The GEW teachers' union and Schwerin's Lord Mayor Rico Badenschier (SPD) have called for rapid corona vaccinations for teachers at secondary schools.

So far, in addition to educators, only teachers at elementary and special schools have been given priority vaccination rights.

"Teachers at all types of schools are at risk of infection," said the GEW state chairman Maik Walm on Friday.

The hygiene rules can hardly be followed consistently in the school community facility and the number of infections has increased.

"If you want to keep schools open, you have to vaccinate," warned Walm.

Badenschier also emphasized: “Teachers from secondary schools need to be vaccinated quickly in order to keep the school going.

In the meantime there is much to suggest that vaccination not only protects against severe infection processes, but also curbs the spread. "


He warned the participants of the MV summit on Friday not to relax the existing regulations in view of the increasing number of infections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

"The strategy of enabling further opening steps with unsystematic rapid citizen tests is extremely dangerous and clearly the wrong approach, given our still very low vaccination rate."

This is shown by the example of Austria, where the incidence value is now over 200.

How deceptive rapid tests could be, shows the recent infection incidence at two Schwerin daycare centers.

“In both cases, kindergarten teachers initially had a negative rapid test result.

They were subsequently tested positive using PCR, ”reported Badenschier.

As a result, dozens of children and employees would now have to be quarantined.

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