It was revealed that Ahmad Alisa, a suspect in the Colorado gun riot, which killed 10 victims, passed a police background check and legally purchased a firearm for the crime.

The Associated Press reported on the 26th local time that the owner of the store where Alisa bought the firearm made the statement.

John Mark Eagleton, owner of Eagles Nest Armor, a gun store in Albada, Colorado, made a statement saying Alyssa passed a background check by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and purchased the AR-556 pistol.

Alyssa committed a crime on the 22nd at King Superus, a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, but his real residence is Albada, 45km away from the crime scene.

The firearms Alisa bought are only pistols by name, but there are no functional differences from the AR-15 series semi-automatic rifles frequently used by firearms.

"As required by Colorado law, a background check was conducted against the buyer, and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation approved the sale," Eagleton said.

Alisa had a record before and after a third degree of assault by hitting her classmates badly for hearing racist titles in 2018 when she was in high school, but there was no problem with buying guns.

The Associated Press said, "The state of Colorado goes through the identification of gun buyers, but it does not prevent people convicted of minor crimes from buying firearms." It would have been done."

Police said they still do not know about Alyssa's motives.

Alyssa, who was imprisoned in Boulder County Prison, was taken to another prison after inmates made threatening and intimidating comments on him, CNN reported.