
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - The access restrictions and hygiene rules for retail in Brandenburg in the Corona crisis are legal after an urgent decision by the state constitutional court.

On Friday, the court rejected an urgent application by the 23 AfD members in the Brandenburg state parliament against the Corona regulation (VfGBbg 5/21 EA).

The application was directed against restrictions such as making appointments, controlling access or wearing a mask, with the exception of supermarkets, pharmacies and drug stores.

The AfD MPs consider the regulation unconstitutional.

The chief judges saw the encroachment on fundamental rights - in particular the freedom of trade and commerce - to be significant.

When weighing up, however, in view of the increasing number of infections, the interest in the protection of life and the physical integrity of the population outweighs.

The decision on constitutionality must, however, be reserved for the main proceedings.

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Corona regulation Brandenburg

Constitutional Court decision on Corona regulation