
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - 84 percent of the students present took part in the first round of corona rapid tests at Hamburg schools last week.

Of the around 95,000 boys and girls at 370 schools surveyed, 80,000 took part, the school authorities announced on Friday.

111 rapid tests would have given a positive result.

"The participation rate of 84 percent is gratifyingly high," said school senator Ties Rabe (SPD).

The goal, however, is for well over 90 percent of all students to have themselves tested twice a week.

The approximately 35,000 teachers and employees in schools are even supposed to take a quick test three times a week.

In the past week, they completed around 30,000 tests, 18 of which showed a positive result.

Rabe appealed to students and teachers to get tested.

In doing so, he relies on insight and reason.

The Senator added: "We will not hesitate to make the tests mandatory if participation falls short of our expectations."

The legal options are already being examined.


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Quick test instructions from the school authority