
Berlin (dpa / bb) - In Berlin, the number of registered new corona infections continues to rise significantly.

Within a week there were 125.3 reported infections per 100,000 inhabitants, as the health administration stated in its latest status report on Thursday.

The day before, the value was 118.2.

A total of 142,007 infections have been registered in Berlin since the beginning of the pandemic.

That was 1006 more than the day before.

130 911 people are now considered to have recovered (plus 506).

Three new deaths have been recorded after a corona infection.

The number of people who died rose to 3,026.


The Berlin Corona traffic light continues to show red with the incidence. With the so-called R value, it remains in the green area at 0.86.

The R value indicates how many people an infected person infects on average.

Values ​​above 1 make it harder for the pandemic to subside.

The location of the hospitals is still displayed in yellow: 17.1 percent of the intensive care beds are currently occupied by Covid-19 patients.

The critical limit in Berlin is defined at 25 percent.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210325-99-972691 / 2

Management report