
Berlin (dpa / bb) - Police officers stopped an allegedly violent woman in Berlin-Friedrichshain with a so-called taser.

The police said that the 24-year-old walked through a shelter for the homeless with a knife on Wednesday night and threatened to kill the alarmed emergency services and then herself.

When she indicated that she would throw the knife at the officers, they used a stun gun and overwhelmed her.

As a result of the shock, the 24-year-old fell to the ground and suffered slight bruises.

She was taken to hospital for psychiatric treatment.

Tasers can be requested and used by the Berlin police if required since 2017.

The electric shock guns are controversial because there have been cases in the United States where people with heart defects are believed to have died from the electric shocks.

According to the police union from 2020, several attempted suicides in Berlin have already been prevented by the use of tasers.

The duration of the pilot project was extended at the beginning of the year and, according to a spokeswoman for the interior administration, it will run until the end of 2021.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210324-99-957018 / 3


PM of the GdP of February 12, 2020