
Halle (dpa / sa) - A referendum against a largely car-free old town in Halle will be carried out on the day of the state elections.

On Wednesday, the city council almost unanimously confirmed June 6th as a suitable date.

A corresponding prior petition for citizens had reached the required quorum.

Now nothing stands in the way of a decision by the citizens of the city who are entitled to vote.

In November last year, the city council decided on a concept according to which the old town should be largely car-free in the future.

This should help to relieve the environment and offer people a better quality of life.

The city council resolution serves as the basis for the city to begin with the concrete planning in detail.

There are also plans to eliminate parking spaces in the city center.

The concept received criticism from retailers and restaurateurs in the city center.

Among other things, they fear that fewer people from the surrounding area will come to the city.

The initiators of the referendum complain that there has not been sufficient discussion with the relevant associations beforehand.


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