• Audiencia Nacional.Aznar declares that "he never" received "any bonus" and Rajoy denies having shredded papers from Box B

  • Hemeroteca.Mariano Rajoy hides himself in his role "of a political nature" and denies that he knew of a 'box B' in the PP

Almost four years have passed since Mariano Rajoy had to go to the headquarters that the National Court has in the industrial estate of

San Fernando de Henares

(Madrid) to testify in the trial of the First Era of the

Gürtel plot


Then he was the president of the Government and the Popular Party.

It was the same Rajoy who had to apologize in the

Congress of Deputies

for the SMS sent to former treasurer Luis Bárcenas with his now famous "Luis, be strong", and the same Rajoy who cost this

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