
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - The financially troubled MV Werften can hope for further help from the country for the further construction of the cruise ship Global 1 intended for the Asian market.

As Minister of Economic Affairs Harry Glawe (CDU) announced in Schwerin on Wednesday, the country is considering granting a loan of up to 44 million euros to prevent construction freezing.

Shipyard properties in Wismar, Rostock and Stralsund are to serve as collateral.

Glawe announced that a corresponding motion should be submitted to the state parliament for its special session on Thursday.

At the same time, negotiations were taking place with the federal government to participate in half of the bridge financing.

The ship, which will be one of the largest cruise liners in the world with a length of around 340 meters and up to 9500 passengers, is awaiting completion in Wismar.

It is still unclear whether the federal government will take the MV Werften under the protective umbrella of the economic stabilization fund.

The prerequisite for this is that the Asian parent company Genting Hong Kong can continue shipbuilding in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

The report required for this has been announced several times, but is not yet available.


Genting took over MV Werften in 2016 to build cruise ships for its own needs.

But with the corona-related interruption of cruise shipping at the beginning of 2020, one of the Group's most important sources of income collapsed, with dramatic consequences for MV Werften as well.

Most of the 3,000 employees have been on short-time work for almost a year, 1,200 of them are threatened with dismissal.

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