
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - The Brandenburgers have to reckon with stricter corona rules after the withdrawal of the planned longer Easter rest period.

"We pulled the emergency brake where it was necessary and, with a heavy heart, had to reverse relatively recent easing - but that (...) will not be enough for the coming weeks," said Woidke on Wednesday in the state parliament in Potsdam another federal-state round.

"That is why we will be discussing in the cabinet in the coming days what further measures we as a country can still take."

The basic idea of ​​the extended number of Easter days of rest, namely to limit mobility and contacts as much as possible, remains correct.

The head of government called on citizens not to travel over Easter.

"I know that's tough," said Woidke.

"But in this phase of the pandemic, we simply cannot afford to exacerbate the infection situation here in Germany by taking vacation trips abroad, for example."

He repeated the call for mandatory tests for travelers returning from, for example, Mallorca, which is no longer a corona risk area.

The heads of government of the federal and state governments had agreed on Tuesday night that the “emergency brake” would remain in place on three consecutive days with a 7-day incidence in a country or region over 100.

However, tougher measures should then take effect - such as exit restrictions, stricter contact restrictions, a mask requirement for passengers in the car who do not belong to their own household and an extended requirement for the corona quick test, where distance rules and consistent wearing of masks are difficult.


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