
Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) - In Frankfurt, gurgle tests for Covid-19 have been offered since Wednesday.

According to the operator, the test center near the airport is the first of its kind in Hessen.

It is designed as a drive-in, so test subjects can be examined directly in their own car.

The procedure works without the often uncomfortable introduction of a test stick into the nose or throat.

In addition to the PCR, the conventional rapid or antigen test is also possible by gargling.

To take samples, test subjects gargle with a saline solution.

The liquid is spat into a test beaker and taken to the laboratory.

According to the operators, the process is already being used in test centers in Bremen, Hamburg and Cologne.

"With the Gurgel Drive-in at Deutsche Bank Park, we enable travelers to test safely without long waiting times or direct contact with other test subjects," said the center's head, dermatologist Hans-Michael Ockenfels.

Like all PCR tests in Hesse, the PCR gargle test at the Drive-in Deutsche Bank Park is chargeable.

In addition, a free weekly quick test is offered.


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PCR test center Frankfurt