
Erfurt (dpa / th) - Thuringia wants to file a lawsuit with the Federal Constitutional Court because of the ecological consequences of mining and other companies managed by the trust.

The cabinet gave the green light for this, said Thuringia's Environment Minister Anja Siegesmund (Greens) on Tuesday.

The aim is to get the federal government to share more of the costs.

According to Siegesmund, Thuringia provides around 16 million euros a year to shoulder the ecological consequences of potash mining.

The background to the dispute is a general contract between the federal government and Thuringia from 1999. At that time, Thuringia received around 443 million D-Marks (222 million euros) from the federal government and in return undertook to cover all costs for securing old potash pits and the renovation to take over the environmental damage of the GDR tar processing plant Rositz.

«That was a bad contract.

They let themselves be ripped off at the time, ”said Siegesmund.

Just a few years later it became apparent that the compensation payment made by the federal government would not be sufficient.

She explained that renegotiations had been agreed in the contract if the costs would exceed the payment by more than 20 percent.

According to Siegesmund, this point was reached in 2017.

"We know today that the federal government categorically rejects any amendments to the general contract," said Siegesmund.

Going to the Federal Constitutional Court is the last step.


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