In broad daylight in the United States, a man stopped a National Guard vehicle carrying the Corona 19 vaccine.

According to the U.S. political media The Hill on the 23rd, the morning before, suspect Larry Harris blocked three vans on board the National Guard, which was carrying the Corona 19 vaccine two miles east of Idalu, Texas, with his truck.

The van, with 11 National Guard soldiers in uniform, was on the way to Matado, Texas, with vaccines.

After stopping the vehicle, Harris is known to have identified himself as an investigator, and is known to have demanded a search for the vehicle by firing a gun at a National Guard soldier.

At the time, he was holding a 45-caliber Colt pistol loaded with bullets and two additional magazines.

Upon arriving at the scene, the police immediately arrested Harris.

Police Chief Eric Williams Aidalu said, "When the police arrived at the scene, the suspect was standing in the middle of an unarmed National Guard with a loaded firearm, so it was a very dangerous situation."

He said, "I am fortunate to be able to confiscate the suspect to the detention center without hurting any of the guards, the police and the suspect."

The suspect stated that the people in the van believed they were kidnapped women and children, police said.

Police said he seemed to be very nervous mentally.