

Because of the current pandemic situation, it will take place online on Friday and Saturday, as the regional church office in Dresden announced on Tuesday.

The new church parliament elected in March 2020, which was constituted in the summer under strict hygiene requirements, meets on an internet platform.

The program has been streamlined, the 80 members are discussing several important laws, including the regional church budget for 2021. In addition, Regional Bishop Tobias Bilz will give his first report to the 28th regional synod.

In a meeting on April 16, the elections of the synod members from the church leadership and the representatives in the EKD synod and the VELKD general synod are to be rescheduled.

"In view of the current situation, this is also planned digitally," said a spokeswoman for the regional church office.

The spring meeting has been postponed to July.

The regional synod represents the 560 parishes and parishes and is the legislative organ of the Evangelical regional church of Saxony.

It usually meets twice a year - in spring and in autumn.


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Synod program