
Dresden (dpa / sn) - Saxony wants to reopen schools from April 12th.

The conditions for face-to-face teaching are currently being discussed, said Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU) at a government video conference on Tuesday evening.

The tests provided twice a week for teachers and students of all types of schools are intended to help.

"We need 1.2 million rapid tests for each, and we are working on the procurement."

Piwarz spoke of a temporary solution until you can continue vaccinating and the schools are safe as a result.

The vaccine will probably “not be available as we need it” until May, said Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU).

According to Piwarz, it is also important to comply with the other protective measures such as mask and distance in the schools in order to avoid area-wide closings.

The head of the Saxon Vaccination Commission, Thomas Grünewald, referred to the higher infection dynamics compared to the end of 2020.

The incidence doubles within two weeks, the average age of corona patients on wards is currently 58 years.

According to him, six percent of the Saxon population have been infected with corona - and every 500th Saxon has died with the disease.

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