
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - The Ministry of Health paid 35,000 euros for “influencer marketing” last year as part of an anti-corona campaign.

As the state government reported to the state parliament at the request of the AfD, this was an exception.

Beyond that, influencers were not paid by any ministry.

There is currently no collaboration either.

For the social media campaign “#BeatTheVirus” said influencers were booked through a Düsseldorf agency, among others.

The campaign was aimed primarily at young people.

The AfD had specifically asked for “medical influencers”.

In fact, the state government had only invited the Essen doctor "Doc Caro" to a digital vaccination dialogue.

According to the government report, she participated free of charge.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210323-99-930658 / 2


Answer to a small request from the AfD