
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) supported the call by the European city network Eurocities to observe a minute's silence for the victims of the corona pandemic on Wednesday.

"It is a correct and important sign that we are taking this moment together in Berlin to reflect," said Müller on Tuesday evening.

"As a sign of our grief, we want to observe a minute's silence tomorrow at 12 noon to express our condolences."

The pandemic also claimed numerous victims in Berlin.

"Just as numerous are the families who have lost loved ones," said Müller.

"Many of us now know about corona victims among friends and acquaintances, in the immediate vicinity of the neighborhood, in our communities, clubs and associations."

The city network of around 200 cities from 38 countries called for a joint commemoration.

"Let us pause for a minute to mourn the dead, to honor those suffering from the aftermath of the pandemic and to reflect on our own situation," said Eurocities President and Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella aloud Message.


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