
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - North Rhine-Westphalia will implement the “emergency brake” on the corona openings “one to one”.

This was emphasized by Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) early Tuesday morning in Düsseldorf after around twelve-hour federal-state consultations.

The "emergency brake" means the withdrawal of easing measures that have already taken place, such as the opening of shops, museums and sports facilities, if the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants rises above 100 within seven days.

It applies in NRW from Monday, said Laschet.

At the same time, Laschet justified the federal-state resolution to shut down public, economic and private life in Germany over Easter from Maundy Thursday to Easter Monday.

The “dynamic development” of the Corona situation “does not allow anything else at this point in time,” said the CDU chairman.

This may sound harsh to many people and many are disappointed, but the forecast development of the virus will make these days particularly difficult.

"There is no other way to slow down the dynamic development at this point in time."

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RKI dashboard

RKI on Corona case numbers by federal state

Federal-state decision of March 3rd, including on emergency brake