
Hanover (dpa / lni) - With an obligation to produce solar power on large commercial roofs and more space for wind turbines, including in forests, the state now wants to accelerate the expansion of renewable energies.

The course was set in the cabinet on Tuesday for both projects.

The ministries passed a draft law according to which companies in new buildings with predominantly commercial use of more than 75 square meters of roof area should equip at least half of them with photovoltaic systems.

The state building regulations will be changed accordingly.

When planning new residential buildings, builders must also ensure that solar systems on the roof can at least be retrofitted.

However, one must also ensure that this does not lead to even more complex regulations and approval procedures, it said with a view to the housing shortage in many cities.


The new regulations for the expansion of solar energy now go into the so-called association participation, whereby, for example, environmental associations can also get involved.

This is the second time that this is happening with the proposals for the further expansion of wind power.

Lower Saxony already has the largest installed capacities in Germany - but the expansion, which is important for the climate goals, has recently stalled.

Environment, energy and building minister Olaf Lies (SPD) advocates, among other things, opening certain unprotected forest areas “carefully” to wind power.

In general, more space is to be developed for new or retrofitted wind turbines (“repowering”), as can be seen from the wind energy decree.

In many places, however, there is fierce resistance from residents and nature conservationists.

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