
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - According to Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to start supplying family doctors with vaccines for corona vaccinations before Easter.

As planned, the vaccination doses are to be used to first vaccinate doctors and practice staff, said a government spokesman in Schwerin on Monday.

Doses not required for this would be used in the personal responsibility of the doctors to vaccinate high-risk patients.

Schwesig had emphasized on Twitter: "We need vaccination centers and resident doctors for vaccination against coronavirus."

1700 medical practices in the country would therefore be gradually included.

How many practices will receive the vaccine this week and to what extent, the spokesman could not say.

Originally, a total of 15,000 doses of the Astrazeneca vaccine were to be distributed to general practitioners and ambulances in the northeast from this Monday.

We talked about ten cans per practice.

But the preparations had been suspended because of the interim vaccination stop for the active ingredient.

A pilot test has been running in northwest Mecklenburg for weeks, in which general practitioners vaccinate older people in their practices according to the vaccination prioritization.


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Data on corona infections and vaccination levels in MV